Student Life

The Himalayan Public School has constantly thrived to offer the students with an environment that is inducive to overall growth of the child. Healthy competitions, academic activities, Co curricular and extracurricular activities are arranged time to time to create an overall learning experience. Students of the school participate in various competitions and events held at various levels.

School Clubs

Skill building is perhaps the most crucial part of school years. At THPS we strive to provide a wide variety of basic skills across a vast spectrum of learning. Activity and play is built into lesson planning to cover individual learning styles. The school clubs have been the nurturing ground for talent to blossom under the watchful and keen guidance to devoted faculty who create innumerable opportunities for students of varying interests. From grade 6 onwards, students are expected to choose from activities, clubs and societies. Yoga, cookery, literary, dance and gardening are a few clubs which capture the attention of students to spend few hours to be productively engaged.

School Counselling

The student council is an important student led body of the school and serves to engage students in learning about leadership. The school captains, house in charges, prefect body and discipline in charge constitute the student council. It provides students an avenue for identifying a variety of issues affecting them and suggesting innovative yet implementable solutions. It helps the management and teachers to reach out to all students to assure them that we deeply care for them, value their opinion and use their leadership and organizational ability. Being a part of the student council is an enriching experience, but the position comes with great responsibility.

Career Counselling

Cognizant of the fact that intellectual and self discovery can happen anywhere and anytime, the school organizes multi faceted events to facilitate students through their academic journeys. Beginning at grade 8, parents and children are made conscious of career oriented experiences and brief introduction of science stream and commerce stream so that they are able to make conscious choices. Grade 9 to 12, students are inducted into a formal career counselling programme through subject expert, webinars, workshops on artificial intelligence, workshops and training sessions for teachers. Through its endeavors, the career counselling department strives to educate and prepare students and parents as early as possible about careers which are going to meet the demands of tomorrow.