Rules and Regulations

1.Students are expected to reach the School five minutes before the bell rings for Assembly.

2. The School uniform must be worn on all working days and for all School functions.

3. Students are expected to be neat and clean in their turn-out. Students not in proper uniform, or dressed in a slovenly manner, are liable to be sent back home.

4. Students escorted to the School by parents or relatives, or servants, must not leave the School before their escorts arrive. In case of the late arrival of the escort, the student must report to the School office.

5. Students are not allowed to go home during School hours. In case a student has a special engagement or a medical appointment during the class hours, he/she must remain absent for the day.

6. Leave of absence must be applied for a day in advance, except in cases of emergency. Students absent without prior permission must report to the Principal on their return to School.

7. A minimum of 85% school attendance during the academic year is required for a student to be entitled to sit for the Final Examination.

8. Strict disciplinary action is liable to be taken for continued irregular attendance, habitual idleness or neglect of studies.

9. Students are expected to take part in extra-curricular and co curricular activities. Participation in such activities should be deemed as compulsory.

10. Students are expected to take care of School property. Damage done to School property will have to be made good by them.

11. Report Cards are withheld if students have not cleared their School dues. Students are also
liable to be debarred from terminal, or other, Examinations, if all the dues are not cleared.

12. Parents/Guardians are requested not to meet their wards or teachers in the class-rooms, without the prior permission of the Principal

13. Students absent from an Examination for any reason will not be re-examined. Students absent from an Examination without adequate reason will be considered as having  failed in that examination.

14. In case a student has been absent from an Examination for medical reasons, a qualified doctor’s certificate will have to be produced.

15. One calendar month’s notice in writing must be given by the Parent or Guardian in case a student is to be withdrawn from the School. Otherwise, a month’s fee will be charged in lieu thereof.

16. No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all sums due to the School are paid.

17. No broken periods for fees is allowed: a fee is charged for the full month, regardless of holidays, absence, or any other reason.

The House System

“The Himalayan Public School is divided into four houses: Dayananda, Vrijayananda, Lajpat Rai and Shradhananda. These four names are the names of great Social reformers and Educationists who have contributed immensely to the development of the nation and are great role models for the society.

Dayananda Saraswati was a Hindu, ascetic and social reformer who was the founder of the Arya Samaj(1875) and Hindu Reform Movement advocating return to the temporal and spiritual authority of the Vedas, the earliest sculpture of India.The Arya Samaj also contributed greatly to the re-awakening of the spirit of Indian nationalism in Pre-Independence days.

Vrijayananda was a treasure of intense knowledge and was 9 revolutionary. His contribution has been immense in the field of VAYAKARAN, (language). In spite of being handicapped he was a confident and self reliant man never looked for help and did everything independently. He attained the heights of being a Sanskrit Scholar and had perfect command over it. He was a proficient and a profound man, endowed by the bliss of God. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!

Lala Lajpat Rai also known as Lalaji, served the nation in many ways. He was a social reformer. He galvanized Bengal Act campaigned for Swadeshi with Surender Nath Banerjee and Bipin Chandra Pal across the country. He founded Home Rule League of America in October 1917 and actively led the protest march again Simon Commission in 1928 at Lahore. Shortly thereafter he sacrificed his life after being attacked by the police during a demonstration
Swami Shradhananda’s sphere of activities was very wide. He established Gurukul Kangri with one teacher (himself) and two students (his two sons) which later on developed as a very big university.

He worked for conversion and converted thousands of Malkhanvas. He worked for freedom movement and was the chairman of reception committee of Congress Session just after Jalianwala Bagh. Since that day the great glory of these unforgettable people has been sung in the world and
their teachings and guidance are followed and remembered.

Each house has a House Master/ Mistress, and Co-House Master/Mistress to guide the students to inculcate a spirit of leadership, confidence, co-operation mutual understanding and self dependence. To build up team spirit and boost confidence, various inter house activities are organized. Besides, students are also made to actively participate in social community services. The House system begins at primary level and an Activity In charge is appointed to keep record of each and every minute detail.