The main motto of an educational institution is to impart knowledge and prepare the child for a fast-changing modern world but the cultural development of a child is a must and most crucial in contributing to the artistic, historical, intellectual, or social development of the child.

Education is not just confined to academics but modern-day schools focus on imparting skills to students like personality development, confidence building, communication skills, etc. Cultural activities come into play in installing these skills in the students. Various competitions and activities are held on the school premises that help to bring out talent, foster a sense of achievement that raises self-esteem, and builds confidence.

These also teach a child to rise after each fall till the goal is achieved. The celebration of important festivals creates awareness and respect for all religions. At the same time, these enrich a child culturally. Wings facilitating the interest of students are music, drama, debate, creative writing, photography, essay writing, as well as dancing. Participation in various inter-school, interstate competitions such as debates, elocutions contests, and quizzing is encouraged. Interhouse debate competition.

  • English debate competition Sri Dev Dutt Memorial Interschool Hindi Debate Competition.
  • The Times of India – Scrap Book Competition
  • Inter House Story Telling Competition
  • Patriotic Song Competition
  • Guru Purnima Celebration
  • School Annual Function
  • Baisakhi Celebration
  • These are few events of the school held from time to time