Through the outreaching program, we, as the Himalayan family want to be and make our students responsible and compassionate citizens of the Society. At the Himalayan Public School, we have found that students benefit greatly – both academically and emotionally – from volunteering their time to make the community and world a better place. We want our students to volunteer, understand, accept and feel responsible for the betterment and upliftment of our society through generosity and compassion. Being an audience as well as volunteer to the community service programs, students develop real-world skills that help them build a positive attitude towards society even beyond school.

They practice :

  • Leadership
  • Problem-solving
  • collaboration with others
  • Time Management
  • Communication

When students get involved in community service, they not only help others – they expand their world view, develop empathy and leadership skills, and realize how their actions can have a positive impact. They also return to the classroom with learnings that they can share and further refine as they apply them to the real world, reinvigorating their passion for learning.

Various programs have been organized in the school premises from time to time so that we can contribute in connecting with each section of society and extend a helping hand.
The school has always prioritized that we together can make this world a better place. Therefore, various community service programmes are organized.

Community service through the distribution of stationary

On the birth anniversary of Late Mrs. Anju Arya, a stationary distribution programme is organized. Children from the nearby government school and NGOs were given stationary. It motivates and helps as well as encourages them towards the power of a pencil in writing their own future. Distribution for “Shiksha Protsahan” is a part of the program where necessary items required for parting knowledge are provided.

Blood Donation Camp

In the loving memory of Late Mrs. Anju Arya, annually a blood donation camp is organized. A team of doctors and medical staff come to the school and management members of the school, staff members, support staff, parents of students as well as locals of the town volunteer for blood donation. The students feel the importance of saving lives through drops of blood.

Uttarakhand Gaurav Samman Samaroh.

Our community comprises various services and professions without which we cannot live. Each member works hard to make a living. It is a few who makes a difference by selflessly working hard for creating this place a better world. The Uttarakhand Gaurav Samman

Samaroh felicitates people who have been working day and night for the people of our society. Teachers, educationists, Businessmen, Doctors and the brave soldiers of our country are awarded to thank them and appreciate their efforts for being there for us at all times. Prize money of Rs.51,000/-is awarded to the family of the martyred soldiers as a mark of honour and respect to the family of the country’s brave hero.

Felicitation of Corona Warriors.

The world was hit by a pandemic and we were all locked down for months but it is our frontline corona warriors that faced this battle of the disease for us. They protected us and ensured our safety and through the little gesture The Himalayan Public School wanted to salute, Thanks and appreciate our frontline Corona warriors for being the protective shield of our lives.

Various outreach programmes held in the school include-

  • Tree Plantation Drive
  • Cleanliness Drive
  • Visit to Old Age Home (Prem Dham)
  • Visit Cheshire Home
  • Free cutting and tailoring course for needy ladies.